Introducing the Australian SKA Regional Centre
Based at ICRAR and CSIRO in Perth, the Australian SKA Regional Centre (shortened to AusSRC, “Oz-S.R.C.”) is the Australian contingent of an international network of SKA Regional Centres. These Centres will be a global computing and data delivery network that will provide the connection between the SKA telescopes and the science community.
SKA 101: Australia’s involvement
SKA 101: Australia’s involvement Australia will host the SKA Observatory’s low frequency telescope (SKA-Low). SKA-Low will comprise an array of 131,072 ‘Christmas tree-shaped’ antennas, grouped in 512 stations, each with 256 antennas. The antenna stations will span out along three spiral arms, stretching 65 kilometres end to end. SKA-Low will be located at CSIRO’s Murchison Radio-astronomy […]
Seasons Greetings from the AusSRC team
The end of year has quickly rolled around for the Australian SKA Regional Centre (AusSRC). A unique challenge of the AusSRC is that staff work at different Partner Institution locations, meaning face to face gatherings with all employees present can be rare. The team congregated at the UWA node of ICRAR (International Centre for Radio […]
$63 Million for WA to process signals from the dawn of time
The federal government will invest $63 million to establish a centre in Perth to process and analyse data from the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope. A global collaboration of 16 countries, the SKA will be one of the world’s largest science facilities, exploring the entire history and evolution of the Universe, and uncovering advances […]
Partner institutions are launching the AusSRC Design Study Program
The SKA will produce hundreds of petabytes of data that need to be stored, processed, and analysed to produce cutting edge science. The global alliance of SKA Regional Centres (SRC) will enable the astronomy community to ready access to SKA data to facilitate scientific achievement. The AusSRC Design Study Program is $4m program, funded by […]