The Australian SKA Regional Centre will enable science with SKA data in Australia and the rest of the world.

The AusSRC is part of a collaborative global computing and data delivery network of SKA Regional Centres (SRCs) that will transfer data from the SKA Low in Western Australia to the global scientific community.

“The challenge about the SKA is that it is going to produce enough data to fill over one million laptops each year.”

Science teams around the globe will need to readily access the vast amounts data coming from the SKA telescope, which is why SKA Regional Centres are focused on creating new frameworks, tools and methodologies to work and interact with these large data sets.

The AusSRC currently supports precursor SKA science projects that utilise the ASKAP and MWA telescopes

The Square Kilometre Array, or SKA, project is an international effort to build the world’s largest radio astronomy observatory, designed to enable transformational science that will change our understanding of the Universe.

The SKA will consist of two radio-telescopes, one in Australia (Low), and one in South Africa (Mid). The two telescopes will observe the sky at different radio frequencies and complement each other scientifically.

SKA-Low will be located within a legislated radio quiet zone in remote Western Australia, around 800kms north of the state’s capital city, Perth, and 315kms north east of regional centre Geraldton.

Who we are

Meet the AusSRC team as well as our Management Committee and Interim Board. 

AusSRC history

Learn more about our history, from our start in ERIDANUS through to our current AusSRC structure. 

The Australian SKA Regional Centre will enable science with SKA data in Australia.​

The Australian-hosted SKA-Low will produce around 300 PB per year of data that science teams around the globe will need to readily access.

SKA member states are forming a collaborative network of SKA Regional Centres (SRCs) to design, build, deliver, and operate end-to-end support for science data products, archives, and associated services.

SRCs will:

  • Provide data flow and data dissemination solutions from the SKA to users;
  • Store, publish and curate SKA data;
  • Post-process and analyse SKA data products;
  • Provide SKA data user support.

Once established, the SRCs will form a Regional Centre Alliance (RCA).